


CPET is dual Oven-able Packaging for Ready-to-Heat & Eat Applications

We recommend CPET trays for use in freezing and for re-heated ready meal foods and for foods that require good barrier properties.

Fact 1. (CPET) is a variation of standard PET which has been crystallized for heat resistance, rigidity, and toughness. This process gives us a temperature range of -40 – 220deg C. This is why so many ready-meal companies use our trays.

Fact 2. Our trays are recyclable and stamped accordingly

Fact 3. There are not enough Australian recycling plants with the modern technology required to process CPET Trays efficiently. Which causes some confusion with this product as to whether it is recyclable or not.  CPET trays are recyclable.

Fact 4. 2025 is the year of change when all plastics must be recyclable (in accordance with Australia’s limited recycling facilities), reusable, and or compostable. 

Fact 5. Pac Food is investigating the benefits of rPET and new innovations using sugar cane as a future replacement.

rPET – is a wonderful innovation. It’s recycled PET, sourced from post-consumer waste (plastic drink bottles). It also has heat-resistant properties.  Unfortunately, at this stage the heat range is inconsistently reported. We will continue to investigate the viable use of this product as a potential CPET replacement. Click here to view our range of CPET trays or contact our team at info@pacfood.com.au for more information.