
Plastic Ban Update

In our Blog today, we provided a table highlighting the plastics already banned and the pending bans by state. The table while informative was just a snapshot.

As is frustratingly common, the state leaders have decided to apply bans and timelines independent of one another. The What, When and How is variable. Which is why for many, this subject remains a confusing topic.

There are two consistent messages from our state leaders:

  1. Agreeing that the right thing to do is to phase out plastics.
  2. And that fines will apply to businesses who do not comply with the state’s restrictions.

We’ll continue to do our best to help by informing you of the changes along the way. For this month’s Blog, we include the links to your local state government sites specifically addressing all topics and timelines regarding the phasing out of plastics.  

Simply click on the links to read more:

QLD    NSW   VIC      SA       WA     TAS     NT       ACT 

Avoid the fine and you can afford to buy more Eko Pak products. Or go on a holiday, or buy a new car, or anything you choose but don’t waste money on an avoidable fine. 

This month’s Spotlight

Eko Pak Bowls, Trays and Cutlery for family picnics.

Warm afternoons in summer are often best spent at the beach or the park with family and friends. The classic lunch meals that spring to mind, are Fish and Chips (or as our NZ sales manager Grant would say “Fush and Chups”), BBQ’d Chicken and a nourishing crunchy salad full of goodness or a simple sausage in a buttered slice of bread with tomato sauce. The simple joys of a summer picnic! So why not fill your earth conscious appetite at the same time by eating out of our Sugar cane Bowls and trays?